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One of our domains (echous.ca) had a file included from an infected website, which is now taken care of. This domain also has extra security and protection from SiteLock.com with full "Green" passes! Please review the domain in question and remove from blocking ASAP.


Thank you.


Jason H

EchoUs Media

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This domain has been setup on a personal PC in the past over the years. This domain was just posted to an actual server with HostGator.com yesterday so it's a fresh account and newly installed/created files. As I mentioned, the site is scanned daily with SiteLock and has a pass with SiteLock, Google, Yandex, PhishTank and Anti-Visus Blacklist, not to mention all browsers see the domain as okay.


Please let me know what file or files you see as an issue?


Thank you.

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Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (MBAM) does not block Domains, per se, it blocks IP addresses.  Your Domain is NOT the issue.

If your web site site is on an IP address that is shared with other web servers and one of those sites is malicious then you inherit the the block for that malicious site.

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Please view: https://secure.sitelock.com/verify.php?site=echous.ca


Ok, after reading your previous message again. Maybe the IP on the server is the issue...correct? And not the domain? So, would changing the IP or server fix this issue?


Thank you.


Correct, it's the IP itself at issue, not your site (and as the malware is housed and directly accessible on the IP itself, the block has to stay in place)

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