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I apologize if this has been covered in other posts...


I have a reproduceable problem anytime malwarebytes is installed on my windows 7 machine, I cannot reboot.  If I do, windows 7 hangs at various stages of startup.  I believe mbam is interfering with explorer.exe.  The only fix is to boot into safe mode and run mbam-clean to completely remove mbam.


I would like to subscribe to premium mbam, but this bug is annoying to say the least.  Is there a fix?

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Hello and :welcome: :

The staff and forum experts will need a bit more information in order to troubleshoot.


Please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)




P.S. The moderator team may move this post to the MBAM Support section >>here<<. No worries, though. ;)

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Thanks for the follow-up.


I certainly understand your lack of enthusiasm about trying to reproduce such an abnormal computer behavior.


Re: the diagnostic logs.

If you have uninstalled MBAM, then you could still run the Log Set 1 (FRST) tool and post back with its 2 logs. It is a non-invasive scanner. Perhaps the logs will show something.

It would be better to have all 3 logs from both tools, but I understand the reluctance to reinstall MBAM to obtain that 3rd log.


Alas, I am just a home user and forum volunteer. However, I don't recall any recent reports of the behavior you report. It could be a driver or software conflict, OS corruption, hardware problem, malware, etc. There's no way to know.


Without even basic diagnostic logs, I don't know that there's much we can do here at the forum. :(

I suggest that you might want to log a ticket directly with the help desk >>HERE<<.

They, too, will require some sort of diagnostic testing/scanning.

However, the support team will have more direct access to the developers and may be able to provide some sort of resolution.

If you do, you might want to include this link, so that they will know about your post here in the forum:


Thank you again,

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