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Dr.Web CureIT and firefox.exe issue


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That does not look like a legitimate Firefox installer (see screen shot).


HOWEVER, as this is the Malwarebytes forum, we really can't directly determine whether this is a correct detection by Dr.Web CureIT.

And more detailed information would be needed.

Moreover, powerful malware removal tools ought to be run only with expert guidance.


We cannot work on malware diagnostics and removal in this sub-section of the forum.

So, for expert assistance, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the preliminary steps to expedite the process.
A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue.



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  • Root Admin

That last portion of the file name looks to just be a temporary piece of the installer that many installers user random temporary names. Seriously doubt there is any real cause for concern.


Restart the computer again and scan with both your antivirus and MBAM and make sure they both come back clean.



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That last portion of the file name looks to just be a temporary piece of the installer that many installers user random temporary names. Seriously doubt there is any real cause for concern.


Restart the computer again and scan with both your antivirus and MBAM and make sure they both come back clean.



hi AdvancedSetup


i just ran other scan as you said and i have no real-antivirus on my system but i have Mbam installed on my system however I'm worry about my Mbam and there is something's not right so here a log to checked them out


Edited by mrdodrop
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That last portion of the file name looks to just be a temporary piece of the installer that many installers user random temporary names.


Thanks -- I didn't know that.

I've never seen that.

Learn something new every day. :D







Why is there no anti-virus on your computer?

As someone who has been infected so many times while malware hunting, surely you must know that MBAM is NOT a substitute for an anti-virus: Does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware replace antivirus software?


And I'm sure you also know that we cannot deal with possible malware-related issues here in this "General Chat" section of the forum.

If you think you might be infected, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.

One of the trained malware experts can assist you with looking into your issue in the designated forum area.

They can also help with getting MBAM properly installed and running properly.


Thank you,

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