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UI Changes for Malwarebytes 2.1

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Novice computer users are the ones who shouldn't be presented with playful and silly attributes in their security programs. They need to be made clear (without inducing paranoia) how hazardous the net can be even with MBAM combined with an AV.


Internal and/or external links in the GUI should point to thorough explanations of the program's workings and to documentation which explain the virtues and strategies of safe hex.


Encourage and teach users how to be active participants in their own net well-being. Playful and silly attributes subtly imply a 'don't worry be happy, we've got you covered' assurance from the program. That breeds complacency and dependency.


EXTREMELY well-said.


A green check-mark is the norm in the software industry and in graphic design, at least for adult communication.

If a user does not comprehend that basic symbol, then not even MBAM can protect the user from him/herself in today's computing environment.


But Shrugged expresses the more fundamental, underlying problem with the "emoticon" approach.

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You wish. Microsoft still keeping metro colors and style. It is all over their website and other websites and programs even using it. iOS and Android both when flat look too. Microsoft only reverting the start page/ start menu.

Seeing as the world and even Microsoft has concluded that Windows 8 was an unmitigated disaster, I'm both surprised and disappointed to learn that MalwareBytes has adopted that flat Windows 8 look. Fewer colors is one thing. Moving towards Windows 8's look is another.


A big Thumbs Down from this user :-(

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Please, please, please remove the nag about not being "fully protected" when you have one of the modules disabled. For example, I keep website protection off on my PC because it conflicts with my VPN connection and some other software. But everytime I reboot and MBAM comes up, it has to WARN me that is turned off and give me the RED bar inside the app constantly. There needs to be an Advanced or Power User mode to turn stuff like this off.

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But on the 9th of this month, it was posted here that there is no public release date available.  If it comes out according to the original schedule and its not ready for release, we have the issues that we did on the original version 2.0 release.  Its gotta be right.  If you take the meal out of the oven before its done cooking, you may not want to eat it.  Same applies here.  We will be more than happy to tell you WHEN we can knowingly project an accurate date.  Its just not quite there yet.


I am the person who will be writing the guide for the product.  It hasn't hit my desk yet.

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Just saying my thoughts.. I love this software, but was disappointed with the 2.0 interface. I don't think "Your system is fully protected" should ever be said, since it's just not true, instead maybe replace it with "All MBAM functions are active" or something similar to that. I liked the red theme more than the blue, since blue is severally overused in everything else and gives it a sense a sales pitch of "happy" and "good", this program should be neutral of emotion. And such a program should be technical but simple as it was in 1.75, that version was beautiful. At least make the interface have customization and maybe return the old style with that. And like others have said, I don't want a nag message or the program to tell me that I'm doing wrong by having some features disabled, instead merely show it as disabled in the feature list. And the smiley face or any other emotion is a turn off for me. Thanks for listening.  :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

The one thing about the v2 interface that has always bothered me is when I right click the tray icon and select 'Check for Updates', it launches the full UI.  I really don't need or want to see the whole shebang when doing a simple check for updates, just a simple notification or similar would suffice.


The way it behaved in 1.7 and earlier was perfect, not at all intrusive or irritating!

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Yes, finally a user interface that looks modern, professional and clean! :D

I feel it really shows how you are listening to your community.


I like the flat Windows 8 look - I don't like Win 8 itself but its design is whats modern now.


I don't get all the fuzz about the smiley face. It doesn't look too silly to me, Avast previously used a smiley in their UI I remember. Also, it kind of fits with the Malwarebytes home page, with mascots including a smiling figure and a terminator robot. 


To me, Malwarebytes finally has that "professional" feel again :)

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