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I've asked this question once before and never received an answer, but why does EVERY scan conducted with MalwareBytes show a user account c:\users\sameer\desktop, there is nobody in my company with that userid and it shows on evryscan of any machine... clearly this is a false finding.


Thank you.

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Unfortunately what i mentioned is happening. This is do to access policies in your environment and mbam not being able to read the folders and paths properly.


We really dont support the free version in a corporate environment. There is a special Corporate client version to work with a corporate policy restricted environment.


I removed your attachment. Thanks for providing that.

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Thanks... I understand about the policies and access to folder locations, but to just out of no where create something such as "c:\users\sameer\desktop" and drop it in a report saying this is what I found, makes me wonder about your free version altogether, seeing that it's finding things that nothing else sees, but i I get it. Thanks for your help.

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