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Any comments on why the Limited users Hyper Scan runs faster (40 seconds) + 176862 objects as per min the admin Hyper Scan is 8 mins. + 338217 objects.  I do see the filesystem is disabled for the Hyperscan.  I didn't get around to the Threat Scan for the User as. Admin yet. I'm working on 3 pc's at once. 



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If you had rootkit scanning enabled, that could account for at least some of the difference. Rootkit scanning cannot function in a limited user account unless you specifically run the application as admin because it needs to install its driver. There are also many locations which cannot be accessed from a limited user account by any process running with limited user privileges, so many areas on the system that would be scanned from an admin account won't be from a limited account.

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If you had rootkit scanning enabled, that could account for at least some of the difference. Rootkit scanning cannot function in a limited user account unless you specifically run the application as admin because it needs to install its driver. There are also many locations which cannot be accessed from a limited user account by any process running with limited user privileges, so many areas on the system that would be scanned from an admin account won't be from a limited account.


Thanks for the reply Sam, will check the settings next time.. regards.

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You're welcome :)

It may also help you to know that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0 has new capabilities with regards to scanning that older versions did not which should help in these situations. Specifically, scans run from admin accounts are capable of scanning the files AND registry hives for all user accounts, including the HKCU registry hives for offline users. This means that you no longer ever need to run a scan on each user account separately in order to detect and remove all malware from a system. All you need to do is log into an admin account and run a Threat scan and it should detect everything, including any traces and loading points for malware which might be installed on a per-user basis under different user accounts (a tactic frequently used by modern malware in order to bypass User Account Control).

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