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page cannot be displayed error/no safemode or system restore


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My computer has had something happen to it earlier today. I was surfing the web one minute, then the next, I start getting this page cannot be displayed message. It only happens on some pages. Google, facebook, ebay, and even this forum, won't come up. I'm currently borrowing a laptop just so I can get help. I restarted my computer, hoping to fix the issue. I got a white screen with a cursor and working task manager. I restarted again and my desktop came up fine, but it said run dll error d7f7a0ef.cpp missing module could not be specified. When the page cannot be displayed error comes up, the search bar will say res://ieframe.dll/dnserror.htm instead of the website I was trying to see. When I try to do a system restor, it goes through the motions and even restarts the computer, but when I sign in, it says system restore not successful, your files were not changed. When I try to go into safe mode, the computer automatically restarts when it gets to the sign in. (EVERY TIME) Thanks in advance!


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