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What is MBAM Self Protection module ?


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The MBAM Self-Protection module is just that: when enabled, it helps to protect MBAM's files and processes from being altered or damaged by malware.
If it is enabled, it can also prevent some routine tasks (such as moving, removing or renaming the MBAM desktop shortcut icon) and can interfere with MBAM removal, etc.
So, it is disabled by default, as explained here (item #1 under Program information).
For most users with safe computing practices and low risk of malware infection, it's not entirely necessary to enable SP.
If you do enable it, you'll need to remember to disable it before uninstalling/reinstalling MBAM, changing certain settings, moving/renaming the desktop shortcut icon, etc.
"Outbound" means that a process on your computer is trying to make a connection to an IP address outside your computer.
If you are seeing a lot of outbound IP blocks, especially if you are NOT using a browser at the time they occur, it can be a sign of infection.
This is explained here: What does it mean when I get an alert that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware has blocked a malicious site?

If you are seeing such behavior, you might want to have an expert check the system for infection.
To do that, please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the preliminary steps to expedite the process.
A malware analyst will guide you through the cleanup process.



P.S. The mod team will probably move this thread to the MBAM Help section, where it belongs. No worries, though. ;)

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