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[SOLVED] IE wont open with MBAE running


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Just installed MBAE to test it and check out how it works.  Installed fine, its was "running" just fine it seems, but when you click on IE on the taskbar, it would look like it was trying to run and load IE, but never does.  Ended up using Chrome until I could uninstall MBAE.


Uninstalled MBAE and IE works fine.


I did page through about 4 pages of questions and did not see one exactly like this.


more of a FYI, as I have uninstalled it and will not reinstall till a workaround or fix that makes this work.




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We've had similar issues in the past where some third-party security software like Trusteer or similar would block parts of the installation of MBAE and would cause this. Other third-party software that can cause conflicts include EMET, Hitmanpro.Alert, CryptoPrevent, Winpatrol, etc. In all the past cases temporarily deactivating the third-party security software during install of MBAE would solve the issue.


What other security software do you have installed that could conflict with the installation of a new software?


You might want to try to disable them, uninstall MBAE and then perform a fresh install of MBAE to see if that solves the issue.

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Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting NAMOR.


Yes this might happen sometimes when an open instance of the browser gets an update or modified by some other software while MBAE is injected in the browser. As you saw either rebooting and/or re-installing MBAE most of the times fixes the problem.


@Cleatus, could you also try to re-install MBAE and/or reboot to see if the problem persists?

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