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Hi jhostetler, and welcome to the Malwarebytes forums!


The Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Remediation Tool runs on a client level. To scan remote computers, you'd need to copy the tool to their system and then run the scan. To do this remotely, you'd need a solution to execute commands on the client from another system, such as PSExec. Hopefully this helps clarify, but please let us know if there's anything else we can assist with.

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Welcome to the forum!


David is correct, you could use psexec to remotely execute MBAM Remediation Tool on your VPN'ed endpoints.


An alternative to copying the MBAM-RT package to each endpoint is to simply execute it remotely. What I mean is to share the MBAM-RT package via a central server that's accessible by the VPN dial-ins. You can then simply run a script or policy to map the network drive on each VPN endpoint and then psexec the mbam.exe.


Also I recommend taking a look at the following post if you want do collect logs centrally and/or change the default settings to for ex. disinfect PUPs:

How to customize MBAM-RT default settings

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