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Hi, to get to the point I suddenly seem to have an issue getting the website module to start; malwarebytes says that it isn't enabled. The problem is no matter what I select to enable it or how often I restart the program it just won't start. This is especially wierd as earlier today and yesterday it was fine. I followed the guidelines on This Thread and have the following logs from:




Malware Bytes


Added as Attachments below.


I also backed up my registry using Erunt


I do not have any programs such as utorrent or any pirated programs on my system as I'm against it only peer to peer program I can think of that I do have is FileZilla which I haven't used in some time as I was part of a server network.


System Details:

OS: Windows 8.1 64 bit

Comodo Firewall


Scans so far are leaning towards me not being infected but you can never be too sure. I'll be running a boot scan with avast while i'm away to check again for a possible infection. I may also run Sophos antirootkit tool as well just to be safe.


If you need any more information let me know but I should have all details the thread I linked ealier listed that I needed to do.

(I'm also following the topic :P)




malware bytes log 10-14-14.txt



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  • Root Admin

Glad we could help. :)

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