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GUI suggestion


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I saw that you guys recently had updated the GUI for MBAM, it looks good but it also looks like something from 2010. So I was just wondering if you guys would ever consider changing the GUI design to something different. I had a flat-UI design in mind. You know.. Something like this:





It definitely looks more appealing and user-friendly (at least in my opinion).

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  • Root Admin

I can only speak for myself but I find all of these flat Microsoft GUI programs very non appealing to me and difficult to use as they have no depth, no good color change when mousing over, etc which for older people or those with limited eye sight very difficult to use. I can install Microsoft Office 2003 on a computer and give it to someone with limited eyesight or even limited user experience and then install Microsoft Office 2013 and have them try it and I can promise you that all of them will complain how difficult it is to use 2013 compared to 2003 as I've supported many users in this same scenario. I really hope that the industry moves away from this GUI style but I doubt it.

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