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malwarebytes ad blocker suggestion

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As we have heard recently that adBlock has become so bad to use it, for some reason that is adBlock currently unable to block annoying ads with VPN programs turning-on! Why that’s ? For the simple reason that they have the bankruptcy so they are trying to make money in any way and despite the fact that their service is very bad to pay for it! Lol
So I would suggest that we have a new free program from malwarebytes to block annoying ads

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If you are talking about AdBlockPlus, it works just fine, at least for Firefox, for both Windows and Android OS.

I use it, along with NoScript and a few other privacy extensions, on all my systems and I have never had a problem.

Do you have some credible references to support your claims about it, by any chance? :unsure:


Having said that, thanks for your suggestion for the MBAM staff.

We will need to wait for their official feedback.



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 hi daledoc1


Yep that's what I mean, "AdBlockPlus" It was working fine before but now the hotspot shield and other VPN  upgrade their programs to the "newest versions ", with there new "payment page" Has been added to force users to upgrade to the paid version, however, I use the free version and never thinking to pay a single penny for online fraudsters'! Lol, so there are always going to think of new ways to generate money for them so they updated their programs in order to kill any AdBlockPlus/blocking ads programs etc ! I used AdBlockPlus since 2014 almost And right now AdBlockPlus its not able to block ads when with VPN enabled ! this crappy add-thing will still shown unite you got paid for their stupid a*s Service ! lol so why i need to paid for it and their Server is blocked in my country or not?  (They lie a lot as others Companies there, I've just sent them more than 16 ticket since 2012/2013 until they have discovered now that the problem is almost in the naive stupid server? Even they are not sure where the problem is! check this it out https://hsselite.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/202837684-I-cannot-access-a-website-

hss won’t works some time!


Which means that we will lose our money if we paid them ّّ! yeah online fraudsters ! keep the silly good job up :) k


99 % of websites is blocked !

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Hi mrdodrop,


Have you tried unticking the the "Allow none intrusive ads" box from the main filter list window in "Addblock plus",  alternatively you could use the "Adblock Edge" add-on which is basically the same as "Addbolck Plus" without the bloat and does not incude the "Allow none intrusive adds" option.

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Hi mrdodrop,


Have you tried unticking the the "Allow none intrusive ads" box from the main filter list window in "Addblock plus",  alternatively you could use the "Adblock Edge" add-on which is basically the same as "Addbolck Plus" without the bloat and does not incude the "Allow none intrusive adds" option.



i will give this a try and let you know ! :lol:

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