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I have been using MBAM premium trial for a couple of days, on my previous and my newly installed Windows 8.1 system. I got an msvcr100.dll crash with MBAM on both systems when I tried to start it, my C++ Redistributable Package 2010 is fine, the dll file isn't corrupted, and no other software reliant on this redist package crashed with this error to this day. 


On my newly installed system barely 4 days old, MBAM started crashing again with the same error message, referencing to msvcr100.dll. Running the cleaning tool and reinstalling MBAM solved my issue, it works fine again, but I don't know for how long before the crashes come back, and I do expect them to return. I am also using Anti-Exploit, and never had any issues with it, Anti-Malware is the only Malwarebytes product that's malfunctioning.


Please advise me on what error logs you require when the crashes come back, because I want this issue dealt with permanently, so I can buy premium for its real-time protection, and use it without having to reinstall MBAM every couple of days, during which time my system would be vulnerable.


Don't shy away from requesting everything you require to troubleshoot the issue, I know my way around a computer.



Many thanks in advance!

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Hello Asagrim and :welcome:


Let's start here:

Please read the following and individually attach the 3 requested logs in a reply to this thread: Diagnostic Logs.

The 3 files, from Step 2, to be individually attached from your desktop are: CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt. Please do not Copy and Paste them into a reply.

Thank you.

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Here they are!


Excuse the delay, I skimmed through the first set of logs, and found errors I felt compelled to troubleshoot first. However, my issue with MBAM still persists, it exits without any error message the moment I click "Add Process" in web exclusions. There is nothing in the error logs with a corresponding time stamp either, it just quits.




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Hello Asagrim:

Your diagnostic reports show that your system has two anti-virus applications installed. Please thoroughly uninstall only one of the anti-virus applications of your choice and then:

  • Please do the following and let us know if this corrects your issue: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2.x.
  • Please note: Instead of reinstalling MBAM v2.0.2.1012, please install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware RC1
  • Upon the successful clean install, please update the MBAM database and run a Threat Scan.
  • Please let us know the status of your issues in a reply to this sub-forum thread.

Avast Uninstall Utility
How to uninstall Comodo AntiVirus (CAV)

Thank You. :)

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I followed your instructions, found only one PUP which I deleted, and I can add processes to web exclusions with the RC1.


Thank you very much for your help! :)


It still remains to be seen, whether I will have an msvcr100.dll crash in the future, but let's hope for the best! :)

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Hello Asagrim:

Your diagnostic reports show that your system has two anti-virus applications installed. Please thoroughly uninstall only one of the anti-virus applications of your choice [...]



Avast Uninstall Utility


How to uninstall Comodo AntiVirus (CAV)

Thank You. :)


I only have one product installed, which is Comodo Firewall. I found it weird as well, that there seems to be a Comodo Anti-Virus component installed as well, because that would imply, that I installed Comodo Internet Security, but I did not. I always download Comodo Firewall from https://personalfirewall.comodo.com/ and I do not have an antivirus product from Comodo listed in my list of installed programs either:



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