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a youtuber video was taken by youtube for copyright but his video wasn't beaking the copyright law here this video in ? 

this is aslo importment for me because i use malwarebytes for my av reviews to see what malware got thouth the av and i don't want a copyright stike on ancount  
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Bump. RogueAmp has a point, this feels like copyright trolling. And is utterly fictitious. If anything, you should be thanking him for showing your product. I haven't heard of Malwarebytes until I saw it on YouTube and I now use it often to scan and diagnose computers for people. It's a real shame.

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  • Administrators

Hi all - This is an oversight on our behalf.

Over the last few days we have been conducting takedowns of YouTube videos which provide people with pirated copies of our software. This is a growing problem, and this time the load was huge (over 100 in a single batch). I won’t give away the exact method we use because it might give the bad guys too much intel, but essentially this one got mistakenly caught up in our sweep and we apologize. The reason the ‘software interface is shown’ language is used, is because this is one of the standard options in YouTube for filing such complaints.

We have removed the copyright strike, and are going to contact Rogueamp directly to ensure it hasn’t caused any ill feeling.



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Hi all - This is an oversight on our behalf.

Over the last few days we have been conducting takedowns of YouTube videos which provide people with pirated copies of our software. This is a growing problem, and this time the load was huge (over 100 in a single batch). I won’t give away the exact method we use because it might give the bad guys too much intel, but essentially this one got mistakenly caught up in our sweep and we apologize. The reason the ‘software interface is shown’ language is used, is because this is one of the standard options in YouTube for filing such complaints.

We have removed the copyright strike, and are going to contact Rogueamp directly to ensure it hasn’t caused any ill feeling.



i let him and btw it won't hunt me if post av review with malwarebytes showing what got into the pc

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This is good news, Rogueamp introduced me to Malwarebytes (and indirectly destroyed my computer when I followed his recommendation to use Combofix ;D   )

But he agreeably didn't deal with it in the best possible manner, hope he can forgive a simple mistake ;p

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