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MBAM wont open

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Hello  Lacasadora and welcome to Malwarebytes forum.
My name is Maurice and I'll be assisting you.

I would like to gather additional information to help troubleshoot the problem. Please follow the steps below to collect this information.

At this point, set your Windows Explorer  ( windows File Manager) to show all folders, by doing as described for your version of Windows at this page

On most all of the following programs and tools, you will need to do a right-click on the program link or shortcut or desktop icon (as appropriate) and then select "**Run as Administrator**". Please remember that as you go along and use these tools, each in turn.

Step 1 – Malwarebytes Check Log

Please download and save our diagnostic tool, mbam-check.exe, to your desktop from this link.


Double-click mbam-check.exe to launch the tool. A black command prompt window will briefly appear, and then a log file will open. The log which opens will be saved to your desktop as CheckResults.txt.

Please attach that log file to your next reply so that we may troubleshoot the issue further.

We have a Release Candidate version which should help resolve the issue you are now having.   It fixes a number of issue.
Please let me know if you are amenable to getting and using it.   I would recommend that you get it.
See these 2 sticky notes on our forum website

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Other members who need assistance please start your own topic in a new thread. Thanks!

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