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Just today I was with my brother when he turned on his computer to find that his profile was gone and replaced with a windows profile for "Johnny". We assumed that this is the person that last owned the computer, but we have had no luck trying to contact that person again. Since I felt impatient, I have tried going around the pass word by pressing the F8 key to get to safe mode with command prompts but found that I was lead back to the Window's profile list showing just Johnny. I have tried every safe mode option but the computer refuses to boot in safe mode.

Additionally, I have tried the "repair your computer" option and I am given a list of two profiles that I could choose to enter a password for (neither of them that I know). There seems to be no way of getting around this. I have followed the steps from this thread but as I just said I was unable to progress past "repair your computer" due to the password.
I have a good USB clear and ready if it needs to be used.

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