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Malwarebytes Pro stopped working last week, I learned I can update to Premium. I get runtime errors. Can I get my key if needed? How do I update if my program is not working or can I uninstall and then install Premium? I don't think Malwarebytes has actually been working for some time, as it does not find malware and has wrong dates for actions. It may be corrupt.

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Please read / review / study my stick note at this link   https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/152047-what-to-do-runtime-error-database-stuck-on-20140304-program-stopped-working-error/


I suggest you follow the suggestion to install the Release Candidate version.

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Thank you for your help. Do I uninstall the corrupt version first?. From the instructions, it appears that this version does not install over the corrupt or outdated one. I may have my son who is an IT person, install it on Wednesday when he is at my home.

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You can visually look on the Dashboard and also do a scan and see what shows ( the results).

I would like for you to start the program. Please look at the Dashboard screen. Does it have the green-color bar with the check-mark "Your system is fully protected" ?

Does the top bar on the window show version **** ? { you can also check Settings >> About button }

now, click on the **My Account** icon at the very top bar. Does that show license state as "Licensed" ? ( assuming you have a paid License)
let me know about all those

Click the **Settings** icon >> then **Detection and Protection**
are the 2 protections on for Malware protection + Malicious website protection ?



Start the Anti-Malware program.
on the Dashboard, click the **Scan Now >>** ( link)  button.
If an update is available, click the Update Now button.
A Threat Scan will begin.

Let me know what the result is.



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Congratulations.  That is all good.   We can do a happy dance.   groupwave.gif


but please never put any of the keys of your license in a public media ( like this forum).


The program will notify you when the released version is available.  { unless this very one turns out to be the final G.A. version }

For now, start the program. Click Settings icon on the very top bar.
Click the button marked Update settings on the left.
Look at the white area marked Update Options
Be sure that the line is selected with a check-mark for
Check for program updates when checking for database updates.

Thanks for choosing Malwarebytes.

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