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2 Quarantine Questions

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I am using premium.  On 10/04/2014 Malwarebytes quarantined two files that have been on my PC for years and which I know to be safe (they're the executable files for Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare).  1) Why did Malwarebytes suddenly decide to quarantine these files?  They hadn't changed.  2) I have "Automatically quarantine detected items" unchecked!  Why did Malwarebytes seemingly ignore the setting and quarantine the files?

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Thanks but no.  After doing some research I'm certain this is a false positive (another "Trojan.Agent.ED" false alarm).  The file in question and Malwarebytes had been living together for years until three days ago.  Not logical.  I just went ahead and excluded the file.  Still don't understand why the product went ahead and quarantined the file when that setting was not checked.  I am one of the hundreds (thousands?) of victims of that notorious data base issue a few months back that caused my PC to literally eat itself to death.  I'm much more concerned about the setting being ineffective than I am about the false positive because if you mess up again, what's going to prevent my PC from self-destructing all over again?

Protection Logs.zip

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  • Root Admin

Well if you're not going to work with us to help you then I'm sorry I cannot answer your question. If you feel it is a false positive you can submit it for review over here.




Thank you

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