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Could someone please help me get my database update to work?


Here are the facts:


Windows 8.1

The small Malwarebytes icon on the bottom right of the Taskbar has a red exclamation point on it.  When I dbl click, it get, "Your databases are out of date" and clicking, "Fix now" does nothing.

If I start the app, I get the same thing.

I tried manual database update but no change.

My Database Version is currently:  v2014.10.03.05


I have been using Malwarebytes since 9/11/14 and I believe the problem has been going on since I purchased it.


Thanks in advance for any help,



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Hello and :welcome: :
Did you spot the reply from our forum Admin, @AdvancedSetup, in your other topic >>here<<?
Just for reference, it would help us to better assist you if we knew a bit more about the system.

Please read the following and post back attached to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)


Thank you,

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