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Malwarebytes was unable to the Anti-Rootkit DDA Driver?

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Is the second time I get this msgbox




Now I am worried, I dont think my computer is infected, but I am not expert here :unsure:


Vista SP2 x32, ESET SS v6, MBAM v2 Premium,  HitmanPro, Shadow Defender (latest), Sandboxie Paid (latest), FF (latest), Adobe Flash Player (Latest)


Please help!!





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  • Root Admin

Please try the following and let us know if it corrects the issue or not.

  1. Please uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest version. MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x
  2. If that does not correct the issue then please read the following and post back the requested logs. - Diagnostic Logs
  3. NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located here: - Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions

Thank You

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Please try the following and let us know if it corrects the issue or not.


Thank You




It seems SysTracer,


Is causign this error

The SysTracer developer team is digging this issue, if they don't find nothing wrong with their software and MBAM, THEN I will post back



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Hello Camelia,


What version of the Anti-Malware do you have?



  • Download mbam-check.exe from >>> here <<<and save it to your desktop
  • On Vista/Windows 7, Right-click on mbam-check.exe & select Run as Administrator & allow to Run.
    On XP,Double-click on mbam-check.exe to run it.
  • It should then open a log file CheckResults.txt
  • Please copy and paste the entire contents of the log into your next post, or, if you prefer, you may attach the CheckResults.txt file located on your desktop instead



If you would click the Yes button, MBAM would proceed with the run ( minus the antirootkit driver).

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