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Need help removing Trovi

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Went to work and ended up getting hit (thank you MONDAY) .

Actually, I work in ecommerce and got this when visiting pricegrabber. I see there is a pricegrabber virus running around. Does anyone know if this is a coincidence ? (we are a merchant with them and they came recommended by other ecommerce management companies. But.. well.. here we are.. ) 

As soon as things began popping  up I went into task manager and closed out of everything. Then into control center and uninstalled the newly loaded programs. 

I then ran malware bytes with 350 something detected objects


Seems It has taken down my proxy settings. I reset settings in chrome. No luck . No web. 

ran dns flush.. no luck.. no web. (ping google just fine. Can't browse. And windows still appear hijacked by trovi)

Came here. 

Upon reading other's problems I have now run farbar and have the results. 

Will post in follow up messages. 


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<please disregard at this time> 

(can't figure out how to delete my post) 

Decided to simply perform a system  restore (posted this initially on Monday with no response and being a work PC can't afford to be offline much longer. IF the system restore doesn't work I can always do a clean install . 

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