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Shielded Apps List


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It isn't a huge deal but I would love to see a tab added that lists the names of the apps currently shielded instead of just a total number. While using a 3rd party tool like process explorer to check that the dll is loaded isn't that difficult it would be much more user friendly to click on a tab and view the current App Names/PID's/Time Started. While it would also be nice have them sorted by parent/child I could easily live without that extra bit :P

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  • Staff

We're in the middle of development for MBAE 1.05 where we have changed the counter to count "apps" as opposed to "injected processes". This should make it easier for regular users to have a more accurate counter.


Also in MBAE 1.05 we'll list the app filenames for easy troubleshooting of the custom shields.



However the closest we have to what you are proposing is the logs tab, but that's not a real-time view of protected apps. It's a good idea and we might do that for the future UI improvements.



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