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As the Windows 7 is reaching its end of mainstream support im wondering if it will be vulnerable like xp and should i upgrade from 7 to 8.1 or the upcoming new one?


i read the FAQ on microsoft site and it says that during extended support, security updates will still be available as usual but there wont be any non-security hotfix support (unless we pay), so is it important to have this non-sex hotfix support or should i keep using win 7 til extended support ends? (January 20th, 2020)

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All I can say is skip Windows 8.


I look at Windows 8 as the war between Coke and Pepsi and Coke changed the formula.  They finally realized they screwed up and capitulated and created Classic Coke.


Microsoft failed to learn from that experience.  They wanted to compete with Apple and Android so they change the Microsoft "formula".


As for security issues affecting Windows 7.  Not to worry for a number of years

{ Vista, however, is another matter... }

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All I can say is skip Windows 8.


I look at Windows 8 as the war between Coke and Pepsi and Coke changed the formula.  They finally realized they screwed up and capitulated and created Classic Coke.


Microsoft failed to learn from that experience.  They wanted to compete with Apple and Android so they change the Microsoft "formula".


As for security issues affecting Windows 7.  Not to worry for a number of years

{ Vista, however, is another matter... }


well i heard that since xp support has ended that it was vulnerable to zero day attacks so i was kinda worried about win7 since im using it but im now kinda convinced tho a little bit more info would help as well :)

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sure ... "wait-n-see" ...

there is no real way to tell which way the wind is going to be blowing down the line .

there are some curious things that MS has gotten their fingers into and then dropped like a hot potato ... completely off the radar .


one such *development* was "longhorn" it was supposedly a linux type OS .

it was in the spotlight for some time and then _- BLIP-_ , no more information .

interestingly enough a couple of days ago i had to download a "database manager" of some type and a couple of other things for a GPS program that interfaces with "google earth" .

one of the packages that popped up with the installer was labeled as something to do with/a piece of "longhorn" !

MS does have a habit of re-using something that works ... eventually .

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