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What's the difference between MBAE and Palo Alto Traps?


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I've been looking at 0 day protection tools that actually mitigate instead of just detect, and preferably as an endpoint solution.


The two most promising ones are MBAE and Cyvera/Palo Alto Traps.. They both seem to be doing pretty much the same thing, but I can't find any articles or the like comparing the two. Can someone explain to me the differences between the two if any? And perhaps guide me to some efficiency numbers comparing the two?

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Well in the case of MBAE there's quite a bit of public testing and public information that you can read about:








In terms of Palo Alto Traps I wish I could say something about it but unfortunately this software is not available for downloading, testing and public scrutiny. I'm sure it's a good product, but unfortunately this means there's no independent verification of its efficacy or lack thereof.


One thing to take into consideration is that in the case of Malwarebytes Endpoint Security (https://www.malwarebytes.org/business/endpointsecurity/) you get both market-proven Anti-Malware and Anti-Exploit products, whereas with Palo Alto you only get anti-exploit.

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