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<_<:angry2::angry:      Hello Feeling left out no to correspond to no information or help from My question in Malware  Removal, feeling dejectected Lonely Empty (Am I A LEPER) ? 



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Sorry for the delay.

The malware removal section is quite busy and most of the hard-working experts are VOLUNTEERS.

They do the best they can.






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  • If there is no reply after 48 hours, you may reply to the topic, asking again for help, OR you may send a Private Message to a Moderator, asking for help.


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I believe that my Browser is affected as well, having problems staying on forum, I keep getting page that says I do not have permission for that and have to refresh and takes a long time? RKill Bdos dose not flash but heres log and what was number three Erunt only will load a start folder?


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 Sorry about some crap that I am sending first time on Forum, the way it works took me by surprise, and TRIXX.exe program is for overclocking Video card video card will work quite well without program but with virus unknown?  Also what happens when we me or you crash for the night do we turn comp of and start again in the morning fresh from start or what?

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  • Root Admin

Please just follow along in your post where I've replied




I will go ahead and close this topic now and help you in the other topic linked above.


No one works 24/7 so yes when you or I take a break then take back up again where we left off and continue the next day. Just the nature of the beast

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