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Consistant Problem with MBAM

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I don't know why I didn't think of using the forum before to get help with my problem with MBAM. Since the release of V2.x I have had to consistantly uninstall and re-install the software. I have been using MBAM since v1.x  What appears to happen, and this could be mere coincidence, when I change a setting in the software I see something to the effect of "Realtime Protection: Not protected." Does anyone know why this is happening and what can I do to correct it without having to do a clean uninstall then re-install. I have done this several times over the past few months.


Can anyone help?



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  • Root Admin

Hello N7CaptainObvious


I don't see anything in the logs that's obvious that would be causing this. There is a rare bug where some users to experience this which we believe has been fixed already but won't be available until the next product release.


Please try the following exactly as it says and let us know if that corrects the issue or not.





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  • 3 weeks later...

This problem is occuring again. Since the upgrade yesterday, I have had to uninstall and re-install twice. (I did a clean uninstall.) Though at this point, I have not run the software that genenrates the reports. I will the next time it happens.

I have noticed that a number of people have been having the same problem.


This has become increasingly frustrating and annoying.

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