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What hapens if i do a scan with mse on?

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Hello and :welcome: , sottt:


I understand from your other topic >>here<< that English is not your native language and that you are new to the forum. :)


I think you are asking: Is MBAM compatible with MSE?

Yes, the 2 programs are compatible.

MBAM is designed to run alongside all of the popular anti-virus (AV) programs.

You do not need to (and should not) disable or turn off MSE in order to run a scan with MBAM.


If I understand your your other post >>here<< correctly, you think you might be infected?

If that is the case, please wait for one of the malware experts to respond to that other topic.

The helper will assist you with checking and cleaning the computer.


Thank you,

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Hello and :welcome: , sottt:


I understand from your other topic >>here<< that English is not your native language and that you are new to the forum. :)


I think you are asking: Is MBAM compatible with MSE?

Yes, the 2 programs are compatible.

MBAM is designed to run alongside all of the popular anti-virus (AV) programs.

You do not need to (and should not) disable or turn off MSE in order to run a scan with MBAM.


If I understand your your other post >>here<< correctly, you think you might be infected?

If that is the case, please wait for one of the malware experts to respond to that other topic.

The helper will assist you with checking and cleaning the computer.


Thank you,


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