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Scanning issues

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Hey everyone. I've been using MB for a few years now and have never had a problem with it.  But this update to version 2 has frustrated me to no end.  I created an account so I could post these logs and hopefully this gets resolved.  I normally always run a custom scan and it runs fine until it gets to the last step, some silly heuristic analysis.  It always freezes at a different file count.  Timer continues to run but file count stops.  I've let it run all night and when it hit 18 hours I tried to cancel it but it wouldn't cancel so I had to go through task manager.  It has been this way for 3 weeks and it is getting ridiculous.  I've done an uninstall as well as a clean remove or whatever it is called and it didn't help anything. I went through this process of getting these logs so hopefully someone can help me out.  Windows 8.1 64 bit, Windows Defender disabled, no other anti-virus installed.



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  • Root Admin

I'm sorry but the logs indicate that you're using software to pirate and steal software from Microsoft. As such we cannot assist you unless you want to remove the hack and verify the software is legit.


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