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MBAM Mobile and battery

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Not working for me at all.
Malwarebytes is using over 50% of my battery.
I stopped the app and it still drained the battery.
I uninstalled the app and it still shows as draining my battery.
I reinstalled Malwarebytes and it is using 52% of my battery.
I charged the battery to 100% and it lost 10% battery life in 30 minutes.
I have removed the battery at least 10 times and I have powered down and restrted my phone at least 20 times.
This is a new Samsung Galaxy S5 and I had no issues util Malwarebytes started this madness.

What can I do other the the dreaded complete reinstall of my phone?
I cannot have this going on.

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Hello and welcome to Malwarebytes Support. My name is Fernando.


Malwarebytes Mobile is a free app for your mobile device.


Can you please tell me what version of the Android operating system that you are currently using?

Is this the stock ROM or has it been rooted or jailbroken?

Also, please confirm the version of Malwarebytes Mobile installed on your device.

Is this behavior occurring after uninstalling the app?

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Better battery stats tells me that over a ten hour period,while phone sleeps,Mbam used less than .01% The phone does perform functions while in sleep mode,and some apps will fire up briefly,so Mbam running in the background is hardly noticed. My overall drain was maybe 10% in that ten hour period. If you want to know how your battery is really performing,then get Better Batery Stats in playstore. Cost,about $3. Well worth it.

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