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Keep Getting A Block From


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Hey guys, thanks for helping :)


Every few hours or so I get a malwarebytes alert saying the following:


Malicious Website Blocked

Domain: searchnet.blinkxcore.com


Port:       59443

Type:     Outbound

Process: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe


I check out on whatsmyip and apparently its some dude in Denver Colorado....


Now this first popped up when I was at grooveshark, and it scared me half to death.  Now it comes up every few hours...

I'm to the point were I'm pretty much just going to completely reimage my computer :( ugh.


A few days ago I noticed that a browserHijacker had somehow changed my homepage to a google knockoff and I freaked out then too (I don't remember installing any suspicious software...  crazybumb being the most sketchy)

Then, later that day, POOF!  Gone!  I don't know what happened but my browser was fine.


I ran several scans with malwarebytes and Microsoft Security Essentials, both returned negative.

I have no idea whats going on...  Do I have a virus / malware?  Should I just reimage my machine?

If I do have malware how do I know were to find it, since none of my anti-virus/malware programs can locate it?

What is an outbound type?  Is it concerning?


Thank you so much for your help!



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