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Adobe Flash update hijacked & Destroyed Malewarebytes


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I'm new to the forums.


I've had the full version of Mbytes the last three years.

Today was bad. I went to the official Adobe site for a simple Flash update.

Everything went fine, I installed the newer version & re-booted.


My desktop came up & there was some stuff PC cleaner splash window I could not close.

I went into programs (running Win 7 64 bit, IE 11) & found six hijack programs. Three said they were Aztec programs. Two were something called AudioHP, one was called Marketer.


So, I deleted them, rebooted & tried to run Chameleon. This would not work, only error messages in the DOS window. I then tried to run Malwarebytes, I could not.


Whatever this was destroyed my Mbytes program. Tried several restores in safe mode, nothing. I finally uninstalled Mbytes & used Mbytes Clean to fully uninstall.


Upon re-installing, Chameleon worked fine but only found 2 PUP files. I have NO IDEA what happened. I wanted to let the Mbytes people know that something was downloaded that was able to destroy it.


It was the official Adobe site I went to, maybe it was bounced or hijacked, I don't know at this point.


This post however, will be forwarded to Adobe along with alot of expletive-deletive's.


Is some hacker attacking Mbytes?



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  • Root Admin

Hello and :welcome:



More than likely you were redirected to download a fake update.


I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.



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