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Malwarebytes Anti-Malware only runs for a few days

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Good day. I hope that someone an help me.


I seem to have a most peculiar problem which is not exactly covered (as far as i can see) in these forums.


Some time ago I decided to upgrade my home PC to Windows 8.1 Pro 32-bit. I have also installed Alwil Avast Anti-Virus and also Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is installed in "trial" mode and all settings are left as the default at installation.

Everything works fine for 2 or 3 days, then at the next boot, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware does not load on boot and will not start manually by clicking its desktop icon.

It appears to try and load, but then just stops.


I have tries several of the suggested ways to get it to start but they fail.


The only method that works for me is to run mbam-clean- followed by a reboot, and then to reinstall mbam-setup- in trial mode, which then works perfectly.

After reinstallation I let Malwarebytes Anti-Malware update and run a Threat Scan. It finds absolutely nothing.

Two or three days later it again refuses to load or run and I have to go through the remove - reinstall cycle again. I have done this seven or eight times so far. Its always the same.

The trial period has never expired, so its not that somehow causing a problem.


I have tried using mbam-chameleon but it also fails to get MBAM started. MBAR does not reveal any rookit. Rkill doesn't help. The only thing that works is the uninstall - reinstall method.

The puzzling thing is that no malware is subsequently found so I assume that there is nothing harmful preventing MBAM from loading and running?


My Windows 8.1 is fully updated with all Microsoft issued updates.


Any suggestions would be most welcome, and i would love to know if anyone else has the same problem.


Many thanks


Tony Webstar

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  • Root Admin

Hello Tony and :welcome:

Assuming the computer is not infected its possible that your computer is one of the rare ones that this happens on. The issue has been fixed but won't be available until the next release due out hopefully before the end of the year.

We can check and make sure there is nothing obvious that might be causing this though.

Please read the following and post back the 3 requested logs.

Diagnostic Logs

Thank you

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  • Root Admin


Please reply back to your own topic so that we can continue to verify if that fixes it or not. If not then we can be reasonably sure that your computer would seem to be one of a very small group of computers that do experience this issue and which if so has been corrected already and will be available in the next program release.



Please post the requested logs when you have time and we'll see if we can tell what's going on.

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Hi Ron


Thanks for the news that the next update will probably solve this problem. I look forward to it.


I downloaded the FarBar Recovery Scan Tool, ran the scan as directed and saved the FRST.txt and Addition.txt files. The are attached to this posting.


I then downloaded mbam-check.exe and ran it. A command-type window appears for a short while and then disappears. No checkresults.txt file is created.


I must mention that I reinstalled Malwarebytes anti-malware on Tuesday, updated the database and did a threat scan which was clear.

This morning Malwarebytes anti-malware will not start or run. I guess that is why the mbam-check.exe won't run either.


Do you want me to remove MBAM and re-install it, and then run mbam-check.exe?


Hopefully these log files will help you to not only solve my problem but also to make your product better.


Thanks for your efforts





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  • Root Admin

I'm sorry Webstar but the logs indicate that you're running software designed to pirate and steal Windows. As such we cannot continue to assist you in this matter.


This topic will now be closed due to evidence of cracked or pirated software on this system.

Piracy Policy




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