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Feedback on popup windows - Bad design

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I've stopped using malware bytes at work because of the popup windows that request an update.  These pop up windows do not work properly.  They pop up several times, not just once and they get in the way of my business presentations.  I have to stop during a web ex and apologize for being a malware bytes user.  I have to drop everything and take care of the malware bytes database update.  After awhile I just uninstalled malware bytes.


Now I install Malware bytes run a scan and then remove it.  Get rid of the popup windows or figure out how to make them work properly with one click.  Its not quite as annoying as the malware redirects on google, but Malware bytes itself has become a pest.

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  • Root Admin

Hello Zencoder


I think you simply need to make a few minor changes in the program for it to work well for you and silently. I run it 24/7 and I get no popups at all from any updates.

If you'd like help with setting up the program to work silently please let us know.


Thank you

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