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is the last version?

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I think my mbam tried to update today but failed to do so. Protection modules got disabled and I couldn't update the database. I also noticed a new entry in settings tab but I didn't pay attention what it was. So anyway, i ran a mbam clean and reinstalled it completely and now it works but I think it installed the old version from May. 

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We can not determine what is wrong with Malwarebytes on your system without going through some logs...

We would need more info on the system....

Please read the following and in your next reply ATTACH the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs

(the three files should be CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt)

Thank You,


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Well, sometimes the DDA driver just stops working randomly and I have to reboot for it to work. Apparently, disabling Self Protection fixed it and I don't get this error anymore. However, sometimes the protection modules just turn off for no reason and the only way to fix it is to run mbam clean and reinstall. For example, today I turned on my PC and I couldn't load into windows properly, I saw black screen with a mouse cursor at the middle and that's about it. explorer.exe wasn't running and I couldn't access task manager either. I rebooted, it ran smoothly that time, everything worked but Malware Bytes didn't run on startup. I had to run it manually just to see that I couldn't update the database and both protection modules were disabled. I ran mbam clean and reinstalled and everything works fine so far. But this had been happening before so I won't be surprised if something f*ks up again. 

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  • Root Admin

The computer appears to be having issues with the Cryptographic services and a couple apps have crashed. It might be best if we tried scanning the system for possible infection or what might be causing that as it could be affecting our program. There is a rare issue that some users run into where the program will break on it's own and that has been fixed already but won't be available until the next release hopefully due out before the end of the year.


I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.

If you'd like me to assist you then please go ahead and say that I asked you to create that new topic and link back to this topic and let me know in a private message and I'll help you with this further.



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