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IE7 blinks and goes away


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Can anyone help me with this please?  I am unable to use my PC.


I have done a repair of IE7 and then a complete re-install but it is still the same.


When I open my home page instead of my usual MSN.com coming up in the address bar I get this:-




Then IE7 disappears as soon as I start to type www


Could this have anything to do with it please?




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It's very good of you to have a go at this. I do hope someone more knowledgeable than us will help as I think it is only a small glitch and it is causing me a big headache.


In reply to your specific points:-


I don't think it's the keyboard but I did try your suggestion with a different physical keyboard and made no difference. I am not happy with on-screen



I did manage to copy and paste an address in on the odd occasion but for what I am trying to do I need two windows open and when I opened the tab for the second window the whole lot disappeared.


I have another browser (Chrome) but I need IE for what I am trying to do.


Thanks for help

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The link in your email led me to a page that said Sorry we could not find that.


I'd really rather not do this as there is nothing wrong with my PC or Malwarebytes  and I haven't had any adware, malware, viruses etc. for ages. 


My feeling is that it is only a small glitch and I recall pressing the wrong key or something but cannot remember exactly what I did.


Thanks for help.



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Thanks. I did not get round to going to the Microsoft support forum but I have fixed it.


It was an add-on:-


avast!    Online Security   AVAST Software a.s. Browser Helper Object    aswWebRepIE.dll


As soon as I disabled it everything is running just fine.


Thanks for help


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