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CPU keeps at certain times


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Hi all, This is my first post here so be gentle.I have a Toshiba laptop A215 which was upgraded to Windows 7....not by me. seems like it was almost done right. Am setting it up for my sister, who never had a computer, so it has to be right.There is a serious over heating prolem...... not the fan system..... .Had some driver conflicts which I think I resolved but?....I use speccy to moniter the mb cpu etc. Sometimes if I'm watching an Adobe flash video or you tube video, temp of MB can climb to hi 80's Thats too high. Just added 2gb of ram and prob seems to have gotten worse? Thought I,d ask you folks cause cant get thru malwarebytes scan without temp hitting 90c pretty quickly. Something very wrong with this thing. Have run every good anti-spyware, anti-virus, rootkit finder there is.Have been able to run your're scan many times. Problem is intermitent.....doesn't seem to be related to browser. Don't want ruin mb or cpu. Can't hand my sister the fusebox from Green Acres.     Again Toshiba A215-s7422 1.79ghz procc. and 4gb of RAM. Also has problem of intermitent white noise from sprks. and white lines on screen. Problems may not be related.   s . As I write this the mb temp is a comfortable 67c.Hoping the running your're scan problem might be a clue. ul. Would appreciate any advice.   Thnks

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Hello and :welcome:

Your question seems to be better geared for General PC Help, so do not be alarmed if someone from staff moves it to that section of the forum....

This could very well be a hardware issue with the computer, but lets get some logs and see if we can find anything wrong....

Please read the following and post back the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs

(the three files should be CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt)

Thank You,


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