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Hi There,


I've been using Malwarebytes Pro on the PC for a while (lifetime license while they were still sold) and have used the mobile version on my Nexus 5 for the longest time. Today for the first time ever it found something, however that something seems to be part of TextSecure (a secure mobile messaging app).


It lists it as Android/Trojan.Spy.Fakebank.A with /data/app/org.thoughtcrime.securesms-1.apk underneath it. 


I've always downloaded TextSecure straight from the play store, and never had issues before until it suddenly popped up maybe an hour ago. Is there a way to determine if this is truly a false positive or truly a mobile virus?


I am running a Nexus 5 with stock 4.4.4 installed, rooted and unlocked. 


Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Same here on 4.4.4 - I think it is a false positive (probably due to the fact that some trojan creator used some of the open source code of TextSecure), still should not happen. Uploaded on Virustotal, and it got out clean (not even the Malwarebytes there found anything), so while we wait for an update of the malware definitions table, we can only whitelist it.

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