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Will offline updates ever be available to download for ver. 2?

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One in a while I will have friends ask me to look at their computers because of it's not running well.

This is not a business, just a friend helping out a friend.

I would like to download an update to the database and use it offline.

I know it may be a few hours or days out of date, I am ok with that.

There were posts from back in April saying it was being worked on by the good people at Malwarebytes.

I have not seen any update to this info.


For those who must know.

I live out in the country with crappy expensive Satellite internet access (crappy being defined as slow and very limited usage 15G a month).

The first thing I like to do is install Malwarebytes for them and scan the system.

I do this via USB stick(with write protection). most of them do not have wifi cards in their machines.

I have to use wifi to my computer room, because it is an old farm house so no wired ethernet.

Is there anyway to take a copy of the updated database off of my machine? The previous posts said that feature was not being used in ver 2. because it was insecure.


Also it would save my usage, if I download it at work and update my machine from a USB memory stick.

I do that with my AV software.



Thanks for you time and looking forward to a solution.





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Yes, they already are.


The method used in version 1.x was not secure, so it was not carried over to version 2.x.

Just very recently, there has been a change where you can now download an offline updater.
There is a new mbam-rules link: =>HERE<=

The link will download 1 zip file, where the name of the file is mbam-rules-YYYY-MM-DD.zip

Something to note:
There are 2 files now in the zip folder:
o Mbam-rules.exe
o Mbam2-rules.exe

They are specific to the version, so mbam-rules is for any MBAM 1.x installation, whereas mbam2-rules is for any MBAM 2.x installation.
In the future it will have a README included with instructions for users, but for now it is only the executables.


>>Having said all that, MBAM 2.x contains built-in technologies, such as CHAMELEON, to help getting MBAM installed and running on a heavily infected system.



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I don't think it's widely or publicly posted at this time, though it probably warrants a forum "sticky" at some point.


I just knew where to look and some of us forum helpers keep a repository on-hand of answers to standard questions. ;)


FWIW, the forum "search" function is not robust.

OTOH, if you put the following into the search box of your browser:

<offline update> site:forums.malwarebytes.org

This is the first link that pops up (at least for me):



TBH, though, the question doesn't arise very often these days, in part because Chameleon does help to get MBAM running on badly infected systems.


I'm glad I could help.

And there's always free, expert help here for malware removal, too.

This pinned topic explains the options and preliminary steps to expedite the process: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers.



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Many malware disable network and target software such as Mbam to prevent downloading or internet based installation. Chameleon doesn't help in those situations.


I am currently battling a PUP/malware that creates incredibly slow download speeds.  Malwarebytes runs, but won't update (times out). I've verified this with chameleon as well.


So it is imperative that we always have a way to update virus defs offline. Copying a rules.def file is perfect.  Thanks for this.



I had to dig through the forum to find it this method for 2.x.  I knew the old 1.x way and have used it many times.

Is there a reason this is not readily available on the downloads page?


Malwarebytes Rocks!


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Hi: :)

Is there a reason this is not readily available on the downloads page?

I'm afraid we'll need to wait for staff to respond to that.
I suspect it might be at least partially a resource issue.
With 10 or more database updates per day, it would be very labor-intensive to try to keep up with posting the offline rules files for a procedure that is seldom used.
Thanks for your inquiry and support,

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