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Hello Jim


Many of the Experts and Trusted Advisors include a signature for their main site they were trained at.


Our link is similar:  Groups authorized to help with malware removal logs


More so than getting into a specific site often many sites are too busy to take on new students so finding one that has room for new students might be better.

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Hello Ron, I trust you're having a great day!


Thanks for the response, I wasn't aware of how busy those sites were with students. I checked a couple of them and found you're absolutely right, they aren't taking any students at this time, one hadn't been since May.


I suppose if they all teach pretty much the same stuff, it wouldn't really matter which site to apply, yes?

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Hy Jim



I suppose if they all teach pretty much the same stuff, it wouldn't really matter which site to apply, yes?


All of those listed training facilities work very close together. All of them have a unique way to teach their students but the goal is the same. 

To get normal users to malware removal experts.
After you have been graduated from one school, you'll get access to all other forums ( much more than those listed at UNITE ) and reading in their private areas. 


As Ron said, all of them are really busy cause it is much more work for us than you might think :)
Check the forums regulary and with a little bit of luck, you will catch a free place in one of them.


( I am the founder of the German school at Trojaner-Board.de )

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