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SDKDatabaseLoadDefaults failed with code: 20012

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I have had many clients call me today telling me they are getting the error "SDKDatabaseLoadDefaults failed with code: 20012".  These are all premium version installs.  I have remoted into several of their computers and witnessed the error and haven't been able to resolve the issue. The error pops up during the Pre-scan Operations... Then I get an error stating that "the scan failed to run successfully".  If I go back and try to do the scan again I get the same error.  Once and awhile I get the error "You can't start a scan with the database missing or corrupt. Are you sure you want to skip the download? I hit no and re-download the update and then I get the same error "SDKDatabaseLoadDefaults failed with code: 20012" when I start the scan. I have done the clean removal of MBAM and it does not help.  I currently have one of the computers in my shop.  Is there a bad update currently out?  I need help troubleshooting this issue. I have a feeling I will be getting a lot more calls about this tomorrow. Thanks for your help in advance.

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I believe I have tracked down the issue. There appears to be a lot of packet loss going on in our area through one particular ISP. The one computer I have in the shop that is having this issue I connected to my Sprint broadband card and downloaded the update again and no more errors.  If this is the cause I am confused because I have downloaded Norton definitions, MSE definitions, Emsisoft definitions, Windows Updates etc through the same ISP and haven't had any issues. Are MBAM definitions more sensitive to packet loss? 

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  • Root Admin

Hello and :welcome:


Not that I'm aware of.


I'd suggest the following to see if that helps to correct the issue for you.

  1. Please uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest version. MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x
  2. If that does not correct the issue then please read the following and post back the requested logs. - Diagnostic Logs
  3. NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located here: - Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions

Thank You

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