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mbam freezed in scan of file


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I am helping a friend who accepted a call yesterday from a person at "Microsoft" who told her that her machine was infected. She let the person in her machine, but did not pay anything. However, just to be safe, she asked me to look at it. I downloaded and ran MBAM and in the first scan, it froze on a file in the AVG folder. After several minutes of no movement other than the spinning wheel, I stopped the scan and exited the program. The next time I tried to open it by double clicking, nothing came up. So I shut down and restarted. Started scan again, except that it froze on a different file, still in the AVG folder. Where do I go next? It's a Windows 8 laptop. And by the way, this is the third person to call me on this scam in the last ten days. One called BEFORE she let them in, and I had her ignore the phone call. The other two, both of whom called me today within 5 minutes of each other, both let them in. This machine will at least boot up. The other one, which I will get tomorrow, will not boot up.


Any help will be greatly appreciated. I am familiar with the process of running programs and uploading the results. A few years ago you helped me on a laptop that belonged to my 10 year old grandson. You made me look like a genius, at least a hero, in his mind.


Don Smith

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For further information, I started a scan with AVG, and it hung on rootkits, scanning a file called ntoskrnl.exe. I have now started the machine in Safe Mode with Networking and the mbam scan is running. SO far has scanned over 47000 objects. It is working on the Filesystem now. Perhaps it will find the problems. Will post results.

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MBAM ran fine in Safe mode, found a bunch of PUP's, including one folder. I removed them, left safe mode, and MBAM ran fine. I thought it had hung again on a couple of files, but they just took time. Also closed MBAM and reopened it and it worked fine. Ran a virus scan (AVG), it came up clean. Ran CCleaner, removed a lot of registry errors that were likely slowing things down. 


As far as I can tell, the machine is fine. I would like to close this thread. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • Root Admin

We're sorry. It looks like your topic was somehow overlooked. Due to the length of time we'll go ahead and close this topic now but if you still actually need help please send a private message to one of the Moderators and we'll assist you.

Thank you and sorry we missed your topic.

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