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MBAM - Very slow to load during startup following clean re-install

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Dear all


I was hoping someone could explain/ help me with something.


Following a clean un-install using MBAM's clean.exe and subsequent clean re-install of MBAM, it is now very very slow to load during startup.


It does eventually load and seems to be running fine. I ran a full Threat Scan with Anti-Root Kit enabled and nothing was found. I also ran an in depth ESET scan and again nothing was found.


The concern I have it that my internet connection is waiting for MBAM to load before it, itself connects. I run a Samsung 840 Pro SSD and all other programs load within a few seconds upon startup. It is literally only MBAM that takes time which subsequently slows down my connection to the net.


Could someone, anyone, please diagnose and fix this issue for me.


FRST, Addition and Checkresults files are all attached for your perusal.


This issue only came about following the fresh install of MBAM. Prior to this all programs at startup including MBAM and connection status would literally load within 5 seconds Bang, Bang, Bang - up and running. Now everything else still loads very quickly until it is MBAM's 'turn' to load in the sequence.


Is there something I am missing in terms of settings that need to be applied to ensure that MBAM loads instantly rather than lagging??


I have ensured that 'delayed startup' is unticked in the advanced menu.


Many thanks in advance !




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