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When mbam finds suspected files they will be quarantined. When the scan is finished you can choose to remove those files or to restore them.

My question is what happens when you accidently restore an item you want to delete? Will it show up in a next scan or does mbam think I marked it as 'safe'?



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Staff will correct me if I am wrong, but a RESTORE is just that, and it's not the same thing as an IGNORE or EXCLUSION.


So, I would presume that if it were a "legit" detection that ended up in Quarantine and then were restored accidentally, it would be detected again on the next scan (assuming that it was not a "false positive" that had been removed from the database in the interim).


I hope this helps,


P.S. If you aren't sure about something detected on a scan, you can post the scan log here for staff/experts to review.

Open dashboard > History > Application Logs.

DOUBLE-click on a scan log you want to post.

Click the little black arrow next to Export (lower left of the window).

Export the file to a *.txt file and save it to your desktop.

Attach it to your next reply.

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