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New Hard Drive

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I want to purchase a second hard dive for my PC and do not know what to get or what to look for in terms of compatability, the orginal hard drive is a st3120025a.

The stats on the pc itself is:

amd athlon 2600+

2.08 Ghz

448 MB ram

I want to get as much storage space as i can for under $100

also once install the second drive how easy is it for the system to recognize it, is there any tricky steps involved?

This site has been very helpful in the past, thank you for taking the time to read this and help me out

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  • Root Admin

Well since you're still on an IDE bus for the hard drive you have a couple choices.

1. Purchase an IDE drive

2. Purchase a SATA controller card and then purchase a SATA hard drive.

Option 1 is the fastest easiest to do. In general very easy to do and auto detected by the system and OS unless the motherboard is very old.

IDE Drives from NewEgg

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Best price/capacity/quality ratio is offered by Samsung currently. They used to be of inferior quality, but nowadays are great hard drives - quiet, cool, reliable. Western Digital also offer excellent drives (AAKS and AALS series) but are a bit more expensive in general. These are the two manufacturers that I would recommend. Hitachi and Seagate are more like "meh" - OK but nothing to write home about. ExcelStor - run far, run quickly.

My 2 cents.

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