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Malwarebytes AntiMalwaare won't run due to infection and Chameleon isn't working.

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One day mbam was working after I was surfing the web, the next time I got on my PC, it wasn't. I've tried to run Chameleon, but it can't start mbam saying that it can't find the files. I'm installing a 2nd copy from here, but it turns out that an something on my PC is suppressing it's use. Now I'm know it's a virus or something since I was on a website that I normally don't visit (trust me, I won't be going there again). I've ran the new set of Chameleons, and it says  in red "Malwarebytes nti-Malware has terminated - unable to start the scan" and this is the first one out of 13.

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I would like to try reinstalling Malwarebytes Antimalware at this time.

To completely remove Malwarebytes Antimalware you will first need you will need to uninstall it from the control panel in (XP) add/remove and in (Vista and later) program and features

Then I want you to run our cleanup tool that will remove any traces that is left over. - please run this twice to be sure it has been cleaned. <- very important


Now to reinstall Malwqarebytes Antimalware

1.Download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0 at http://downloads.malwarebytes.org/file/mbam

2.After downloading, double-click the downloaded file to get started.

3.Choose Yes if the User Account Control dialog appears.

4.The installation wizard will now appear to guide you through the upgrade process.

5.Click on Next.

6.Review and accept the license agreement, then click Next.

7.Review the latest changes made to Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, then click Next.

8.Choose where to install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, then click Next.

9.Choose whether or not to have a Start Menu entry and its name, then click Next.

10.Choose if you want a desktop icon, then click Next.

11.Review your installation choices, then click Install.

12.The wizard will begin to install the files.

13.After upgrading, you will have the option to enable a free trial of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium.

To see a video on how to do this - https://helpdesk.malwarebytes.org/hc/en-us/articles/202325618

You will need to add you ID and Key back to activate the premium features

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