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Please Help! Malware not working at all!

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Someone please help me.  Recently I discovered that my malware premium isn't working.  I click on it and nothing happens except the little circle goes around and around and them goes away.  It doesn't run at all.  I didn't notice that it wasn't working b/c I had it scheduled to run when I turn on the computer every morning and I know that it used to work.

I tried following the instructions and doing the chameleon but nothing happened.  I went through every test but nothing worked.  I also tried to update malware but I kept getting error messages.

I have contacted customer service via email but have had no response and it's been since Thursday. I realize they are busy but I am afraid I have a virus so I am hesitant to do much on my computer and I have a lot of work to do.

Can someone please help me?  Has this happened to you?  Below are the error messages I am receiving when I try to update malware.



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Hello and :welcome:

Let's try this first....

You may also try the steps outlined here: Internal error: Expression error 'Runtime Error' / External exception E06D7363

Thank You,


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