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Does Windows 8.1 consider the install of Malwarebytes "malware" in itself?


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Does a fresh new install of Windows 8.1 on a new computer consider the install of "Malwarebytes" an install of "malware" in itself?  and will the install of Malwarebytes download/edit the web browser to install the ever dreaded TROVI.SEARCH hijacking one's web browser? Best Buy told me when I bought a laptop for a friend that because I installed another anti-malware removal program, that this was the cause of the downloading the Trojan/virus like TROVI.SEARCH which can screw up one's network connectivity and hijack the browser to always go to their site no matter if one changes it to something different,,, 

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The uneducated newbie at Best Buy is full of crap.


Put his words to the test.  Go back and have him immortalize that assessment in writing on Best Buy letterhead.  If he/they are unwilling to do that, walk right out of the Brick and Mortar and don't look back.

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the OP's comments are a bit confusing ... however ... if i have this correct :

the guy at "best buy" said that installing an anti-malware program other than the one that came with the machine will absolutely cause an infection (never mind the type) ?

i suppose it could happen but only if one were to download/install a "bogus" or scam/slime/scumware version of some "anti" program that happened to be "loaded" with the specific malware program (or any other for that matter) .


again , and this is if i understand things correctly ... it matters not who's program along the lines of "antimalware and/or antivirus that is installed .

as long as the programs are decent , legitimate and up to date , there should be no problems .

it is always a good policy to limit the number of AM and AV programs to one of each ... this will keep resource uses lower , minimize the possibilities of conflicts and help to keep things running smoothly .

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I am of the same opinion as David. Needless to say, MS Windows does not consider our program to be a malware-infection.

And it is super-nuts for the BB clerk to also insunuate ( if he did) that our program brings in the Trovi hijacker.

I would wish that Samuraigary would return and tell us "if" his pc was the victim of a Trovi hijack and if that was when he went to Best Buy.

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yeah ...

i have seen situations where the/a *customer* has been "primed" by a sales person so that they can be sold "something that will work" or a "solution" .

sadly , this nefarious practice extends to areas other than computers ... and it has been going on for a very , very long time .


to knowingly pass along bogus/false information is a fraudulent act of a person that is lacking in the "moral fortitude" department .

to pass along bogus/false information born of ignorance (by the true definition of the word) nonetheless leaves a trail of victims in it's wake .

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Yep, they sometimes like to install protection themselves, at a hefty price. They also like to *desinfect* (= format) computers, for a hefty price, so installing Malwarebytes would in fact hurt business down the road.


Perhaps samuraigary could ask this person to show up here and let us all hear what he has to say ;)

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