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Website blocking issue - 2 URLs keep popping up

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I did not want to post this on the "false Positive" forum because I don't think it is a false positive at all. I think both of these are "positive positives" but still I would like to find out what I can do and what can be going on.


Before today I had noticed that Malwarebytes had a new feature to block suspicious websites and when I first noticed those website I was puzzled by the fact that I was not actually navigating there myself but it looked like Chrome was trying to connect on its own.


However, we are talking on alert every 2 hours at the most so I didn't worry too much.


Starting today, even before I launched Chrome I saw a barrage of alerts and they were all for 2 specific sites. That's when I started getting worried. I launched chrome and the barrage continued.


The two sites are:


1) hxxp://cooltechmarketing.com

     ports:    63804  or 1404 (these changed each time so I stopped noting them down
     C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
I must note that this site actually belongs to a client for whom I built a site over 5 years ago. I have not spoken or talked to her in just as much time (she moved out of the area) but I know that no matter what I did I wasn't able to make her follow even the simplest security rules. She was one of those people that would use "password" as her password.
I do have some backups from her site on my backup external drive but neither Norton nor my other tools ever found any malware in the backups.
2) hxxp://diskwritecopy.com
Everything else as the site above
This website I have no idea where it's coming from. I neither used whatever services it offers or even navigated there that I can remember. The alert is about as frequent as Site #1.
I am honestly at a loss as to what to do. Incidentally, while writing this post, the alerts have stopped. But otherwise it was an absolute barrage with alerts every 15 to 30 seconds in batches.
I'd appreciate any help I can get in this regard. Thank you.
PS: I was unable to find a log of the site blocking feature. I had to take a screenshot of the alert and transcribe the data. Is there a place where I can get a log that's human readable?
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  • Root Admin

I'm sorry but your logs indicate that you're actively pirating and stealing software from Adobe. As such unless you wish to uninstall the Adobe software and hack we cannot assist you any further.


This topic will now be closed due to evidence of cracked or pirated software on this system.

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