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Error Code 20026

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Hi When i run a threat scan with "Scan for rootkit" enabled in settings i get


Scanner failed Error code 20026

Unable to load Rootkit-Driver 20026


If i untick "Scan for Rootkit" it runs fine showing no Malware


can anyone help plz




Win 7 x 64 Ultimate fully updated

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Hello and welcome:
Yes, the behavior you describe is understood.
Error code 20026 is most commonly caused by disk encryption software, often Bitlocker.

If you have a new 8.1 computer, Bitlocker may be enabled and you might not even know it.

Or you might be using another encryption product.


For technical reasons, anti-rootkit scanning on a drive encrypted with any method other than TrueCrypt is not supported.

So, disabling anti-rootkit scanning should resolve the error.

All other regular scanning features should work just fine.


Please let us know if this resolves your issue.



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For technical reasons, anti-rootkit (ARK) scanning on a drive encrypted with any method other than TrueCrypt is, as mentioned here: not currently supported.


As I am not staff, I don't know of any technical articles.

As I understand it (in layman's terms), though, MBAM would have to break the encryption in order to perform ARK scanning on such a drive.

However, as I likewise understand it (in layman's terms), an encrypted drive is rather "impervious" to such infections; so having to disable that feature does not create a huge security problem on such a system.


Having said that, I think there may be some updates on this topic coming with a future program release.


We will need to wait for staff to provide more detailed or technical information.



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I don't have Bitlocker enabled on my computer SSD drive yet I still get the error. Can I do anything about that?

Sorry to hear you are having issues.

Each computer is unique.

Problems that sound "the same" most often are not.

The same is true for solutions.

They most often need to be individualized.

It is less confusing for everyone if we try to stick to "one user per topic".

Please start a NEW, SEPARATE topic using the cjfj.png button.

The staff and experts will be able to more easily provide both you and the OP with individual help to get you both up and running.

Thanks for your patience and understanding,


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